Sunday, August 25, 2013


New cap

Not much to say, I'm still working through a minor bit of writer's block. I'm just not feeling tg stories lately, which is why this one is pretty vague in terms of any transformation. Oh well, I'm sure my motivation for more overtly tg stuff will be back soon enough.


  1. Rauk :

    Actually .. tho you think it is not deeply TG in nature, the caption set actually covers a real life struggle that many TG folks do in fact go through at some point. Consider the fears of coming out and being rejected by family friends and society in general, fear of loss of employment when the boss decides they can not keep the distraction of your transition at their company.. or the dangers that may come in some places from folks who actually will physically hurt or even kill a TG person for simply being a TG person. Your caption hit it on the nail with staying in the shadows or coming out into the light. Indeed it is a myriad of Very Hard CHOICES. Great job in making that caption set.


    1. Thank you. I figured that this caption was broad enough to hit on something for almost everyone, while still focusing on a key aspect of the tg community. It's nice to know this cap ended up where I wanted it to go.

  2. While this may not involve an actual transformation in the story, this is a very powerful TG caption. It's one that will hit many people right in the gut... and that's a good thing. It will hit those physically in the TG world as well as those wondering how to deal with their desire to read and see your wonderful captions.

    Very powerful work here Rauk!

    1. Thanks. I hadn't even thought about it as a comment on reading captions as well, so thank you for pointing that out.

  3. Beautiful prose, Caption or not. Well done Rauk. >:)

  4. That was so on point. It is a conversation I have had with myself a thousand times.
