Monday, January 9, 2012

The Itch

I finally finished my final request from 2011! And it only took me two months to do it... Yay? This was done for Tatiana over at Rachel's Haven. I've done other stuff for her like this, and also this. During the writing process I took a bit of a deviation from her request, but I really like where it ended up so I'm hoping she will too.

But if not, at least I like it. I'm pretty sure that's the exact opposite sentiment of the last request I did, but whatever. It's my site, and I do it for free, I do what I want. That being said, if any of you would like to request something feel free to send it my way either through email or formspring. You all have made this blog such a success, you should have some say in what gets made... Not all of the say... but some, definitely some.

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Emily's about to become ridiculously rich! Wonderful description of the transformation!

  2. Excellent description, very hot and sensual... without a doubt she's gonna be a big, big star. Great little series, worth two month wait if you ask me...

  3. The descriptions are very sexy as are the images, I may have to drop you a request myself since its been far too long since you made me something sexy. ^^

  4. This is great. - Tatiana

  5. If I got that itch I'd be all wet!

  6. Wonderfull series. You should do more in this way.
