Thursday, July 26, 2012

Faerie Fun

This post came out a little later than I would have liked. But fortunately it's a little longer than I've been doing lately, so that should hopefully make up for it.

This was originally supposed to be a Kylie cap. But the vibe just wasn't working out right for the dynamic I had set up with that character. So I decided to keep the same idea of two minds in one body but tweak the relationship a bit until it matched the images and told the story I wanted. Plus it had been a while since I've had a caption that used dialogue to carry the plot (although going through and getting the formatting just right for the two different fonts and colors did remind me why I had taken a break from that style). All in all, this won't be remember as one of my best captions, but I had fun with it and I think you will too.


  1. Quite a bit of fun, yes. Love the teasing/taunting tone of the faerie, especially as she was making her host play a little Strokey-Pokey, and the design is simple without being simplistic. Nice work!

    1. Thanks, and I'm glad you appreciated the strokey-pokey, I'm really happy with how that part turned out

  2. Love it Rauk! The story is really engaging and you can't help reading along just to find out what the faerie is going to do next. The font selection and color's really worked well. It gives the faerie a fun attitude and the subject a more down to earth sensibility before any words are read! Bravo!

    1. Thanks, that was exactly what I was trying to do with the fonts. I'm glad the effect came out all right, it makes the headache of getting everything lined up and spaced properly worth it.

  3. oh those silly faery! ever the tricksters! :D

    1. Indeed they are. Luckily this one just decided to possess him instead of killing him and replacing him with a doll made of sticks and grass. Yay for weird mythology!
