Monday, March 4, 2013


I find myself in kind of an odd place these days. Not bad, just...different.

I'm not sure where I expected this blog to go when I started it almost two years ago. But one thing is certain, I didn't expect to wind up here. Posting captions like this once every two weeks...not quite the simple porn three times a week like I started out with.

I had a request in the comments of my last caption for a slutty m2f cap for a reader's birthday today. And while I met the deadline, the resulting cap isn't what was requested, and for that I am sorry.

But to be perfectly honest, I haven't been in the mood to write that kind of caption in a long time now. It's not from a lack of trying. This caption was actually supposed to go a very different way. The original plan was to have the camera clicks trigger a loss of intelligence until all that was left was a slutty bimbo. Not terribly original, but the capper I was six months ago could have turned out a decent piece with that storyline and these images.

But I've been writing long enough to know that when a story starts to take a different path than what you intended, it's pointless to try to fight it. So that's how I ended up with this, a person trapped in an alien body, very aware of what they are doing, but powerless to stop it.

Talk about sunshine and rainbows.

But then again, the original idea was just as dark of a concept as this, all that really changed was the tone.

I don't know. I guess I'm just kind of bummed out that I can't make as many captions as I used to, back when all I cared about was giving people what they wanted to read. Now I'm under both the time constraints of the real world, and the restraints I put on myself by being unable to tell the same stories over and over again.

Sometimes I really miss just cranking out taunting mistress caps.

So like I said at the beginning of this post, I'm kind of in an odd place with my capping right now. It's not bad (okay the two week gaps between updates is bad, but I can't do much about that right now), it's just different.


  1. Thank you so much for making a great bday, absolutely perfect!

  2. Ah uncontrolled behavior, one of my personal favorites ;). An excellent caption Rauk, I like how you leave a lot of the story (aside from some of the juiciest bits) to the readers imagination.

    1. I always enjoy captions where the reader is allowed to fill in a lot of the details themselves as I feel it creates a stronger connection since I often don't have time to get the audience fully invested in a character in the span of a short caption.

  3. I really enjoyed it Rauk. It was a great cap and great idea. But it still sounds like your heart isn't back in it yet. If you took a good break. I mean a really good long break. Don't pick a time to come back. Just take it and not worry about this site or capping. At some point you will miss capping and come back fresh. Believe me I do not want to see you go. You are one of the reasons I started my own site. But if you are forcing it it will only hurt you. And I am sure everyone of your fans would rather you take a break then force it and end up hating it and not wanting to cap ever again.

    Either way I hope you can clear the down and out you have been in. You are one of my favorite writers.

    xoxoxo Katie

    1. I appreciate the support, but I'm trying to power my way through right now. Should that fail I may be forced to take a break for a while, but right now it seems to be working, so I'm trying to keep turning out new material. Even if it is at the rate of a new cap every other week.

    2. That's great news if it is working. My biggest fear would be you hating this whole caption business and giving it up.

      I am so happy to hear you are doing a little better. And don't worry about new caps all the time. I still look through you library at some old gems when you are in between.

    3. I've actually gotten pretty close to calling it quits a few times. But I don't think I'm done just yet. I might take some longer breaks in the near future depending on the real world, but I doubt I'm going to completely retire.

  4. I found this really, really sexy.

    I obviously don't know you, but my amateur and uninformed guess about your changing perspective of your caps is at least related to your understanding of what you like about the kink. Your last few caps have been darker and dealt with the 'reality' that these fantasies don't often touch on. I find this psychological perspective and analysis to not only be enlightening but very sexy.

    1. Thank you. And the main reason for the switch in my recent captions is that I feel like I've already written some variation of every one of my fantasies. So rather than just churning out the same stories over and over again, I want to try to find new material, or at least a new way of looking at old material, in order to keep improving as a writer.
